In November 2021, South West Regional Partners including Devon County Council (DCC), North Somerset, Dorset and South Gloucester were successful in securing a DfE regional Covid-19 Building Back Better grant. DCC were awarded £64k towards the first year Mockingbird license fee and project costs in order to initiate this project. DCC has allocated a further £104,500 towards the Mockingbird Pilot’s first year’s budget.
The Mockingbird Pilot Project is funded for twelve months enabling development of a sustainable fostering model. The Mockingbird pilot project will set the foundations and provide justification for the expansion of the model over years two and three (2023 and 2024).
The South West Regional Partners’ lead Local Authority is North Somerset who are currently implementing their fourth Mockingbird constellation and are supporting the partner authorities on their Mockingbird journeys.
DCC are further supported by the Fostering Network and a dedicated Mockingbird Coach and an Implementation Manager who have guided Devon’s Mockingbird development.

Following the success of Devon’s first Mockingbird Constellation, in terms of positive impact seen for foster carers within a Mockingbird constellation and improved outcomes for children and young people, the DfE have awarded additional funding to support Devon’s expansion of the model across the county.
Devon Fostering Services are therefore working towards recruiting further hub home carers and developing a team that will support Mockingbird constellations across the county.