Top tips if you are new into care
We asked young people in care across Devon to share their top tips and advice for you when you first come into care to help you through those first few weeks.
Children in care guides
These handy guides explain all the aspects of being in care and are sent out to anyone aged 6-15.
The Promise
We worked together with young people to create a list of commitments that we make to all children and young people in our care in Devon.
Stand Up, Speak Up
If you are aged 11 or older, there are lots of opportunities for you to share your views and get your voice heard through Stand Up Speak Up, our children in care council. They run lots of groups and events where you can have fun, make new friends and have a say in decisions that affect you and other young people.
Find out when sessions are taking place and how you can get involved.
Meet the team
Learn how to contact your local participation worker.
Youth voice
Discover the difference young people have been making.
Follow us!
Stay up to date with the latest news and events by following us on Instagram.
Mind Of My Own
Mind Of My Own (MOMO) is a great app that you can use to share your views with your workers at a time that works for you!
Platform choices
Get on Android
Find this app in the Google Play Store.
Get on iOS
Find this app in the Apple App Store.
MOMO website
Have a look at the MOMO website.
Leaving care and independent living
Information for care leavers
There’s also lots of information available for when you leave care.
Independent living
Plus, there’s useful advice and guidance on how to prepare for independent living.
Mental health support
It’s important that we all look after ourselves, especially our mental health. If you need help, there’s plenty of support out there for you.