Did you know that if you foster for an independent fostering agency (IFA), you can transfer between agencies?
We welcome foster carers transferring to Fostering Devon. We will benefit from the experience you already have and, in return, we offer very competitive fostering allowances together with a professional package of support including an exceptional range of training.
“We wish we had joined Fostering Devon much earlier. Fostering with an IFA can be quite isolating, particularly with some of the more challenging placements.
With Fostering Devon there is always an activity or support group to join in with and there have been no negatives – just lots of support and opportunities and the training undertaken has been very good and relevant to us.”
Melanie, foster carer
By fostering for Devon, you are ensuring that all Local Authority money is spent directly on the child, foster carers and support staff rather than private businesses.
We follow the Fostering Network’s Transfer Protocol which details how we handle your transfer from your existing agency. We only approach your current agency with your consent, once you have decided to transfer to us.
We request that you attend our own four-day ‘skills to foster’ training as this gives you invaluable information about our service.
We will need to complete a new assessment and you will need to attend our fostering panel. However, with the information obtained from your current agency, we aim to approve you within a shorter timescale of four months.
If you are interested in transferring, please give us a call on 0345 155 1077. We are very happy to make a no-obligation initial visit to talk about your interest.