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Mockingbird families get together to celebrate the successful launch of five new constellations across Devon since 2022.

Picture of Mockingbird Hub Carers with members of the fostering team and Councillors at the Mockingbird celebration event

Back in 2022 we launched our first Mockingbird constellation after gaining funding from the Department for Education (DfE). The pilot project was aimed at improving the stability of fostering placements, and strengthening the relationships between carers, children and young people, fostering services and birth families.  

Mockingbird, a programme brought in by The Fostering Network, is an evidence-based model structured around the support and relationships an extended family provides. The model nurtures the relationships between children, young people and foster families supporting them to build a resilient and caring community. 

A Hub Home Carer builds strong relationships with everyone in the constellation, empowering families to support each other and overcome problems before they escalate or lead to placement breakdown, which increases protective factors around the children. Each Hub Home Carer provides support to between six and ten satellite families with the help of a Liaison Worker. 

This model sits nicely in our mainstream fostering service and carers have been able to choose whether they would like to join a Mockingbird constellation in their area for additional support.  

Following the success of Devon’s first Mockingbird constellation in South Devon, the DfE awarded us with additional funding to support Devon’s expansion of the model across the county. And, as of August 2024, we are over the moon to now have five Mockingbird constellations supporting families across Devon.  

To celebrate, we invited the Devon Mockingbird constellations to a celebration event at County Hall in Exeter. Families were joined by their Liaison Workers, members of the fostering team, Chair of the Council, John Hart, Vice Chair of the Council, Pru Maskell, Cllr Louis Samuel and by Stuart Collins, Director of Children and Young People’s Futures, to say thank-you to all those involved.  

Children enjoyed a variety of activities including a bouncy castle, tug of war, bracelet making, face painting,’ giant bubble making, frisbee golf, cricket and making their own ‘Mockingbird wings’.

It was a fantastic day for all involved.  

“It was great fun and really evidences how important Mockingbird has become to so many people and the love, enthusiasm, and passion they all share for it! It was great to meet so many like-minded people!”

Denise, Hub Home Carer

Cathy Dickson, Mockingbird Manager for Devon reflected on the days’ celebrations:  

“We are delighted that we have successfully launched our five Mockingbird Constellations throughout Devon. This project has gone from strength to strength offering support, sleepovers, family activities and a listening ear when needed. I am so proud of our Hub Home Carers and the support they offer to their individual hubs. The wraparound support provided by our small team of Liaison Workers really makes the project work.” 

If you are an existing Fostering Devon carer and are interested in learning more about future Mockingbird constellations, please contact the team.

You can also learn more about Mockingbird in Devon and the work the team do over on the Fostering Devon website.  
